
Humility is the disposition to be humble. While to be humble means, being low or inferior in station or quality. It can also be marked for meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful.
Every Christian must have humility, if you must go far/higher in life (James 4:10, 4:6), you have to live a life of humility. In Matthew 23:12, Jesus was telling His disciples that if any man exalts himself, he shall be set abased, but if any man humble himself, he will exalted... Wow! That's the criteria for going up(being humble). 
Humility is to be exhibited by all, even God our Father in heaven showed us an example on humility by sending His only son to die for us(John 3:16), knowing so well that we are sinners but, He still sent His son, so lowly placed amongst men! That's humility. Now Jesus showed somany examples, but I'll be taking one of them, which is, He was so lowly placed, without arrogance and pride, that He was mocked and spate upon by those He came to save, and He did not call for their death but instead He asked for their mercy, That's humility. Now to us let's portray humility in everything we do, because pride will take us no where than our grave/lowest level.
Consequence of being proud:
•it brings the resistance of God. James 4:6
•It will set us abase. Matthew 23:12, Luke 15:12-24(The prodigal son, after he spent all the things he arrogantly took from his father, he began eating the food of pigs)
• Losing your salvation in some cases, because God gives grace to only the humble(James 4:6) and we are saved by Grace
 Advantage of being humble
• you'll enjoy being lifted up by God James 4:10
• more grace of God. James 4:6
•you shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)
 How to move away from the life of being proud to being humble so that you may not likely fall into the consequences of being proud
First you have to accept Jesus into your life and then you have to start living a life of humility. Now if you want to accept Jesus into your life say this prayer, with faith and understanding that you are making a decision to accept Jesus:
Say "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, who came to die for my sins, I also believe that you died and rose up on the third day, and so Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins(mention them), Lord Jesus come into my life, I accept as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen!
If you just said that prayer, then congratulations to you🤝, Jesus is now in your life and you have to work with Him constantly and pray consistently (1thesselonians 5:17) and take note of Romans 8:1{There is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit}, keep the holy Spirit growing in your life by studying the word (John 1:1) and remember not to go back to the old ways. God bless you! 
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